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Navegación:  Studies > Multitransmitter coverage > Route Visualization


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In order to display measures' route, it is necessary to select the option "Calculation and visualization of route" in the actions window of a multi-coverage study.

Then, from the calculation window, it is possible to select and load the measurements file to visualize and to mark calculations to realize.



Once the measurement file is loaded there are three posibilities of calculation:

Generate measurement visualization. Generates a WMS display layer with measurement points and signal value associated with each point. Once the layer is generated, only measurement points can be displayed. For the graphical representation, it will use signal ranges defined in the multi-coverage study.


Obtain signal results at measurement points. It generates a text file that includes for each coordinate, in addition to the starting data of measurement file, the signal level generated by each coverage associated to the multi-coverage study, the best server and the overlaping. It is necessary to have performed the multi-coverage calculation.

Obtain interference results at measurement points. It generates a text file that includes for each coordinate, in addition to the starting data of the measurement file, the signal level generated by each coverage associated with the multi-coverage study, the best server, the overlaping and C / I ratio. It is necessary to have performed the multi-coverage and the interference calculation.



From the measurement result information panel, a quick filter can be applied based on the name of the coverage assigned to the measurements.


The user has the following options available to apply the filter:

Apply exact match. When this option is activated, only the measurements whose coverage name exactly matches the text entered by the user will be shown in the viewer.

The icon refresh_common_small allows you to apply the selected filter. Until this option is clicked, the viewer is not updated.

The icon remove_common_small allows you to clean the selected filter.